Wednesday, March 10, 2010

ASSIGNMENT 7 (Due March 24)

Spring Break 03/17/10

You are dividing into 4 groups. You will now work within your group as one unit for the remainder of the semester. Working together as a unified team, It will be your responsibility to organize the tasks and divide the workload in the most efficient way. This includes promoting each others strengths and special skills, setting up an effective communication system/plan, and organizing and presenting your work together.

Group 1 - Ali / Rhiannon / Amy
Group 2 - Alexa / Staci / Garrett
Group 3 - Michael / Fang / Cory
Group 4 - Erik / Min / Chris

From the two ideas you have each presented separately (total of 6 ideas), clarify two (2) concepts.
-One concept should adhere to the client’s requirements.
-The other concept should be a more creative, 'special edition'. Use what works from your ideas, improve on them, and see how to combine them to make them even more effective concepts.

Bring in actual found/purchased samples/references to communicate your idea to the client. Things to address:
-Title (present a minimum of 3 options)
-Type design/title font/secondary font (present a minimum of 3 options)
-Outer look/packaging – what is the physical presence of your
publications? How will they sit and stand out on a shelf of other books?
-Organization of the images and/or text – show mock layouts
-Crediting system (one option must include thumbnails of all photos)
-For the special edition, how many copies would you make? Is it limited or mass?
-What is the retail price? Is it expensive or cheap?

Bring to class actual found/purchased samples/references and post photos of references and your layouts on the class blog. Be sure to post your work on the blog BEFORE class.

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